Wednesday, September 22, 2010

SOWL Challenge #9: Get Back on Track

So this is “a SOWL thing”, a challenge posted on August 27th, to get back on track. SOWL is the Summer of Weight Loss and a group of great people whom, lead by Kerri at mom vs. marathon, are connected in a common goal.  I need to loose the weight and the inspiration provided through her challenges is one of the things that has kept going.  Granted I’ve had a reason for my slack with injury but it has gone too far so I choose this post topic to get back to “the blog” of things.

So why I chose this to write about after such a long absence from blogging I don't know but this blog has been my inspiration to myself and hopefully to others.  It is what I do; it is what I want to do; it is what I need to do.  In my effort to keep it going, I will write about whatever I can. 

This has been one of my “difficult times” methods: to do what I can and don’t worry about what I can’t.  I just push through until I get to the other side.  I’ve decided that life is never going to be perfect.  It is in the imperfect moments that I need to remember what I learned the last time and hopefully it will get me through the difficult faster.  That is where I am now, learning how to cope in imperfect times. 

It has been 32 days since I finished the Ragnar Relay Great River.  Yes, I did that.  It was awesome and I haven’t published the report yet.  I’ve even ran two 5K races since then but I have been stuck.  I’m calling it “the negative creep”.  There have been good moments and bad but it is time to get back on the positive track. 

I ended up with a terrible cold/flu thing last Thursday night.  I made it home from work and crashed.  Other than getting up to eat and use the bathroom I slept until 4 p.m. Friday.  Part of me things it is “the negative creep” that kept me down for so long but I was sick.  I just wanted to sleep, to let my body heal.  I don’t have time to be sick.  I am struggling enough without being sick.

It was Friday, 4 p.m. and I had slept enough.  It was time to get up and push.  I went through the motions of living: I woke up, showered, brushed my teeth, drank my Reliv shake, and checked “my connections”.  Yes, I’m talking about email, facebook, yahoo, etc.  I caught up with the buzz. 

One of the “buzz” items was a special two hour Yoga class at Simplicity Yoga and Wellness.  I called to ask my friend and teacher what it was about.  She told me it was a class focused on breathing, meditation and pose help.  I told her I was sick and she said it would be perfect for me.  I call it “YogaWellness”.   I sneezed, I sniffed, I sucked down water, I hit the restroom 4-5 times, and I elevated my head so I could breathe better during some of the poses but it really helped. I left class feeling much better than when I arrived. Thank you Jennifer!

Saturday morning I was determined to be functional. I ran a 5K race up some amazing hills.  (It was mostly uphill and I will write a race report.) 

With a race behind me it was time to progress.  Slowly, I managed laundry, shopping, lists, coupon tasks, and a nice relaxing tan.  By about 4 p.m. I attempted a nap but didn’t need as long as I’d thought.   We even had company for a little Madden 2011.  I don’t play but I invite a friend over and watch him play.  To top the evening off we saw a band at a local establishment that was absolutely amazing.  I met some wonderful people who I think I can call new friends.  I’d call it a successful day of renewal.

Monday I decided it was a new day and I was going to push.  I’m at the point of injury where not running is causing more damage than good.  It was the 5K race on Saturday that I started to think that the time of resting is over.  It is time to kick it in gear.  Time to put injury behind me, I can run.

It was hard to push but I managed a successful 45 minute strength conditioning workout and then headed to the lake to attempt a flat 4 mile run.   Hubby went with and we accomplished a 3.6 mile run/walk.  The first mile was great, second mile was starting to hurt and then I was done.  We walked it back to the truck.  I had to fight to keep the mental positive.  In the end I convinced myself this was good.  I did it

Tuesday I jumped on the trainer and took “my love” for a spin.  (I love my Trek)  I sweat out 20 minutes at a 90-100 rpm cadence and managed 5 miles.  I have no idea why I haven’t done this before.  I could kick myself but this goes on my list of what to do next time.  It was easy on the knee, no pain and I could push it all out.  I haven’t been on the trainer since the winter months.  Why didn’t I do this all along, especially for the past 4 weeks? 

I then headed off to YogaCore/YogaPowerSculpt.  I seriously love Yoga.  The class was small and only the most powerful, challenge loving students attended so she pushed it hard.  It was a good intense workout day. 

I think I have finally got a momentum going.  Today I’m pushing for a 4 mile run and another 45 minutes of strength conditioning.  I can do this!  Including this week, I have 6 weeks to train for the half in October.  I also have a 10K on Oct 9 and a 5K on Oct 16.  I am kicking it in gear; I am getting back on track. 

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