Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Ragnar Relay Great River, August 20-21, 2010

This is the one, the race I'm training for.  My reason to keep going.  At least until August 21, then there will be the next big race.  I'm so excited!  Doesn't it sound like fun?

Ragnar Relay Great River is turning 5 this year. What better way to celebrate than a 193-mile party with 11 of your best friends.

SO HOW DOES IT WORK? Teams of 12 will run along the world-famous Mississippi River as they rock out, enjoy the wacky participant costumes, and make life-long friends with teammates and competitors. The party runs along the Great River Road starting in Winona, MN cutting into Wisconsin and ending in Minneapolis, MN with FREE PIZZA and ALMOST FREE BEER ($2 pints).

1 comment:

  1. WOW...I didn't know about the pizza and beer...and I even read the race bible...ok, it's been awhile since I did. I have my HS reuion that evening so I won't be sticking around. :(
