Friday, July 23, 2010

SOWL Weekly Weigh-In

It's weekly weigh in time and the SOWL widget is updated.

Over the past week I've lost 1 1/2 lb. I should be happy but I'm a little disappointed.  I still have 1 1/2 lb. to go to the next goal and still 1/2 lb up since May 26.  I do have a female related excuse this week so I should really be happy.

There were so many opportunities this week to lose the weight.  If I was able to run Thursday morning...I would have been able to log a bigger loss.  I ate too late at night last night to log any loss this morning.  I was super hungry after my 5 mile run and yoga and it was between 9 and 10 p.m.  I know my body, if I eat that late, the morning scale will hate me.  Plus I didn't run this morning either since I was up so late last night.

So I am hoping to be able to weigh in less soon and next week be able to report I've met my next 5 lb goal.  Reward here I come!


  1. You'll get there! What's your reward?

  2. I have a few pounds I need to lose but the scales won't really budge. I'm looking forward to reading about what you are doing and hopefully, I will be more inspired.
    Good luck! And what's your reward?

  3. I added a link! I described it in my last weekly weigh in post. ;)
