Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Jicama Chili Sticks

I am posting another new vegetable for SWOL challenge #2.  I know the challenge was try one new fruit and one new vegetable but I found this strange looking vegetable and I had to give it a try.  It's called a Jicama [hee-kuh-muh]. 
Again, as I said in my my SWOL challenge #2 post, I read that jicama contains a high amount of vitamin C, is low in sodium, and has no fat. One  serving or 1 cup of cubed jicama contains only 45 calories.
Here is the recipe I decided to try.  I read this is the way it is sold by street vendors in LA and in Mexico so I thought it would be a good recipe to start with.  
Jicama Chili Sticks

1 1/2 lbs jicama
1 teaspoon chili powder
1 lime, to squeeze on the jicama

1. Peel the jicama and cut into pieces about 3″ x 1/2″ x 1/2″.
2. Arrange the jicama on a paper towel and sprinkle with lime juice.
3. Sprinkle with chili powder.
4. Arrange on a platter and serve ice cold.

It was certainly interesting.  I would say it tasted like a cross between an apple and a potato.  I saw other suggestions to use it in a salad,  on a vegetable plate, in a stir fry or a fruit salad.  I would definitely try Jicama in again but maybe in a different recipe. 


  1. I think it will be tasty in a stir fry.
    Anyway, now you make me wanna go to the store and buy some jicama and experiment with it. :)

  2. Hi there! I am just across the stateline in WI! Came over from Tall Mom this morning. I love it that you are trying new veggies. So night running? I need to go read the rest of your post...

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Looking forward to reading yours as well! By the way, I love jicama, I've only had it in salad/slaw type things...yum!

  4. I looove jicama - the whole foods here always have it cubed & ready to go. I squeeze fresh lime over it and eat it like that. Nomnomnom. :)
